FIBA Basketball

    FIBA Central Board appoints commission members for 2010-2014

    ISTANBUL, Turkey (FIBA) - At its meeting in Istanbul on 7th September,the FIBA Central Board appointed the members of the FIBA Commissions for the 2010-2014 term of office. Please find the lists of Commission members below: Competitions President: Djonlagic, Mirsad - Bosnia and Herzegovina Vice-President: Maddock, John - Australia Barbosa ...

    ISTANBUL, Turkey (FIBA) - At its meeting in Istanbul on 7th September,the FIBA Central Board appointed the members of the FIBA Commissions for the 2010-2014 term of office.

    Please find the lists of Commission members below:


    President: Djonlagic, Mirsad - Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Vice-President: Maddock, John - Australia

    Barbosa Alves, André - Brazil
    Bazzi, Eduardo - Argentina
    Chernov, Sergey - Russia
    Conceicao, Gustavo - Angola
    Dimitrijevic, Dejan - Serbia
    Landon, Lorraine - Australia
    Lee, Jaemin - Korea
    Ludwiczuk, Roman - Poland
    Meneghin, Dino - Italy
    Sharma, Harish - India
    Siutat, Jean-Pierre - France
    Weiss, Ingo - Germany
    Zidek, Jiri - Czech Republic


    President: Horgan, Frederick - Canada
    Vice-President: Menjour, Abdelraouf - Tunisie

    Brazauskas, Romualdas - Lithuania
    Dato Yeoh Choo Hock - Malaysia
    Davydov, Michael - Russia
    De Vincenzi, Jean-Pierre - France
    Hakala, Lea - Finland
    Ivkovic, Dusan - Serbia
    Jackson, Stuart - USA
    Ling, Seah - Singapore
    Mas Rafols, Victor - Spain
    Mildenhall, William - Australia
    Rigas, Costas - Greece


    President: Landon, Lorraine - Australia
    Vice-President: Prazak, Milos - Czech Republic

    Bah, Maimouna- Guinea
    Callan, Carol - USA
    Cebrian, Elisabeth - Spain
    Herrera, Miguel - Chile
    Kiuchi, Takashi - Japan
    Marcari, Hortensia - Brazil
    Pantelic, Lazar - Serbia
    Sumnikova, Irina - Russia
    Xu, Lan - China
    Kotha, Sylvie - Gabon
    Maiga, Salamatou - Mali
    Tocala, Carmen - Romania

    Appeal's Panel

    President: Mizzi, Antonio - Malta
    Vice-President: Boehm, Theodore - USA

    Ramsay, Ian - Australia
    Gordon, Robert - Canada
    Haas, Ulrich - Germany
    Faller, Andreas - Switzerland
    Tomas, Gonzales - Spain
    Hilliger, Lars - Denmark
    Gerlinger, Michael - Germany
    Liu, Chi - China
    Rao, Sharad - Kenya

    Basketball Arbitral Tribunal

    President: Kauffman-Kohler, Gabrielle - Switzerland


    President: Günther, Heinz - Austria
    Vice President: Sayegh, Souhail - Switzerland

    Bilé, Alphonse - Ivory Coast
    Canlas, José - Philippines
    Castillo, Luis - Uruguay
    De Oliveira, Cesar - Brazil
    Gueye, Aboubacar - Guinea
    Harcourt, Peter - Australia
    Huguet, Jacques - France
    Pipe, Andrew - Canada
    Radovanovic, Dragan - Serbia
    Ureña, Rosario - Spain


    President: Rafnsson, Olaf - Iceland
    Vice-President: Smith, Steve - Australia

    Ching, Mabel - Hong Kong
    Herrera, Ruperto - Cuba
    Manave, Anibal - Mozambique
    Brenscheidt, Wolfgang - Germany
    Garcia, Alberto - Argentina
    Madsen, Ken - Australia


    President: Ströher, Manfred - Germany
    Vice-President: Carrion, Richard - Puerto Rico

    Baillif, Richard - Switzerland
    Demirel, Turgay - Turkey
    Gallaher, John - New Zealand
    Grethen, Marion - Luxembourg
    Hamane, Nyang - Mali
    Kehris, Ojars - Latvia
    Saez, José Luis - Spain


    President: Collomb, Pierre - France
    Vice-President: Madsen, Ken - Australia

    Al-Ansari, Abdulla - United Arab Emirates
    Beltrán, Carlos - Puerto Rico
    Coomans, Cyriel - Belgium
    Eala, José Emmanuel - Philippines
    Hilgert, Wolfgang - Germany
    Mizzi, Antonio - Malta
    Ndiagne, Badara - Senegal
    Rangelova, Eleonora - Bulgaria
    Richards, Usie - US Virgin Islands


    President: Weiss, Ingo -Germany
    Vice-President: Tooley, Jim - USA

    Abdmoteleb, Mohammed - Egypt
    Al Massad, Abdulrahman - Saudi Arabia
    Avakumovic, Aleksandar - Serbia
    Gomez, Alberto - Spain
    Koh, Koon Tech - Singapore
    Shmakov, Sergey - Kazakhstan
    Sofrimento, Antonio - Angola
    Turam, Emir - Turkey
    Villas Boas, Paulo - Brazil
    Vlahov, Andrew - Australia
    Wallin-Kantzy, Lena - Sweden
    Young, Melvin - New Zealand
    Zois, Asterios - Greece


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