If you're looking for hints: both Theo Papaloukas and Tony Parker are EuroBasket champions

    Are you ready for a challenge?

    The official EuroBasket app

    MUNICH (Germany) - The list of iconic European names who have played at the FIBA EuroBasket is endless, but the list of players who have won it is certainly not.

    How well do you think you know the history of the competition and can you tell who belongs to this elite club? If that sounds like a challenge, that's only because it is.

    We have picked out 10 names – a mix of former and active players – and you need to tell us just one simple thing: are they a EuroBasket champion, or are they not?

    Champ or not: How well do you know the winners of EuroBasket?


    FIBA EuroBasket 2025 Qualifiers

    Danger, danger: Who might miss out on FIBA EuroBasket 2025?

    Which European players have the most NBA All-Star selections?

    Champ or not: How well do you know the EuroBasket winners?

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